Welcome all to the start of Sumthin' Awful. Now, before you go and confuse this with the elitist run Something Awful, notice my clever misspelling of the word "Something" that shows my defiance to the rules of that grammar-nazi forum. ANYWAY, enough about my so-called wit. Let's move on to the brief introduciton to this new blog clogging your bandwidth. Sumthin' Awful is a blog that will be dedicated to just what the name says: awful things, mostly in entertianment. Movies, music, books and various things around the internet will be feature
d here on a regular basis. I have yet to come up with a schedule for updates, but exepect one no less than once a week. I will do my best to keep you updated on the pain of Sci-Fi original movies, poor ripoff cover bands, horrible self-published books and any sites that just make your brain suffer. All of that being said, you can expect my fist review the first week of Feburary: A review of the movie Death Tunnel, aired on Sci-Fi on almost a bi-monthly basis. Welcome, one and all, freak-show workers and attendees, to Sumthin' Awful.

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